Our Worship
God alone is worthy of worship and delights in His own glory, and so creates, seeks, saves, and commands His people to worship Him. Though believers’ entire lives are to be characterized by spiritual service of worship, God is present and blesses His people in a special way in corporate worship. Our greatest duty and delight is in worshiping the triune God in the beauty of holiness (1 Chronicles 16:29; Psalm 29:2 and 96:9).
We strive for decency, order, and excellence in every part of our worship to reflect God’s beauty, holiness, and majesty. We follow the biblical mandated established practices of the reading and preaching of God’s Word; prayer; psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; offerings; and ordinances.
God commands to be worshiped according to His revealed will alone, not according to personal preferences and cultural fads. The very content of God’s Word holds a prominent place within every element of worship. We delight in bringing great glory to our Lord God in these prescribed ways in our united worship of Him.